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Home made doughnuts

Category: Amy > Dessert

These home made doughnut balls are best when they're hot and fresh. They are a traditional Chanukah dessert. You can either inject jam inside the doughnuts or serve them with jam on the side.

Servings: about 25-30 1.5 inch doughnut balls
Preparation Time: 10 min
Cooking Time: 10 min per batch
Author Rating: 7/10
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3 teaspoonbaking powder
2 largeeggs
2.5 cupflour
1 tablespoonicing sugar
2 tablespoonliquer (optional)
4 cupoil
0.5 cupsugar
2 teaspoonvanilla
2 cupyogurt


Step 1
Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl. Mix the liquid ingredients separately, then combine with the dry ingredients.
Step 2
Heat the oil in a deep frying pan. The doughnuts should be able to float in the oil.
Step 3
Using a spoon, drop in about 1.5 inch round balls of dough. Fry the doughnuts on each side for about 5 min, turn with a fork when they are golden brown.
Step 4
They are done when both sides turn a medium dark brown. Sprinkle them with icing sugar and serve with jam.


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