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Black Bean Brownies

Category: Amy > Dessert

These brownies are gluten free and taste delicious.

Servings: 8x8 pan
Preparation Time: 15 min
Cooking Time: 30 min
Author Rating: 8/10
User Rating: 1.0/10 (based on 1 vote)
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Units: Metric | US | Original
Convert: Double | Half | Original
0.25 teaspoonbaking powder
1 14 oz. canblack beans
3 tablespoonbutter
0.25 cupchocolate chips (or as desired)
0.33333 cupcocoa powder
0.25 cupcoconut oil softened
3 largeeggs
0.5 cuphoney


Step 1
Mix all the ingredients except the chocolate chips in a food processor.
Step 2
Mix in the chocolate chips
Step 3
place in an 8x8 lined pan
Step 4
bake at 325 for 30 minutes


With Spinach - Add variation to grocery list

You can make these a little healthier by adding spinach. The spinach doesn't change the flavor much.


Units: Metric | US | Original
Convert: Double | Half | Original


0.25 cupfrozen or fresh washed spinach


blend in the spinach with all the other ingredients


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