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Thick Veggie Tomato Sauce

Category: 1neatmom > Main Meals > Ground Beef

This is a thick tomato pasta sauce. The eggplant sort of disintegrates to make it thick and rich.

Servings: 6-8
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2 tablespoonbasil
1 cupbroccoli
0.5 pintcanned tomato paste
1 tablespoondiced garlic
0.25 poundgrated parmesan cheese
2 Japanese eggplants
2 cupmilk
2 smallonion
1 tablespoonoregano
1 28 oz. cantomato sauce
2 ouncezucchini


Step 1
Dice the onion, eggplants, and zucchini's very finely. They have to be very fine so they disintegrate into the sauce when boiling.
Step 2
Fry up the onion, garlic, eggplant, broccoli and zucchini for about 15-20 mins until cooked.
Step 3
Add the tomato sauce and tomato paste. Cook for another 10-15 mins
Step 4
Add the basil, oregano, milk, and parmesan cheese. Cook another 5-10 mins


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