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Crockpot Chili

Category: aurbretanaseymo > Breakfast

A great warm meal for a wintery day. This recipe is not very spicey, but you could always add a bit more spice if you like it spicier.

Servings: 4
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Recipe copied from Amy - click to view original
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1 teaspoonchili powder
1 32oz boxcream of tomato soup
1 poundextra-lean ground beef
2 green pepper, chopped
2 mediumonion
2 14 oz. canred kidney beans
1 28 oz. canstewed tomatoes
2 teaspoonsugar


Step 1
Fry the beef with the chopped onion and green peppers in a frying pan until the meat is browned. The trick is cooking it all long enough so that it browns really nicely.
Step 2
Put all the ingredients in a crockpot. Stir, cook for 4-6 hours on hi or 7-9 hours on low.


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