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Category: aurbretanaseymo > Desserts > Cakes

Omlettes are a delicious, hearty breakfast/brunch. This is my favourite combination of omlette ingredients..

Servings: 2
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5 slices2-year old cheddar
3 eggs
0.25 cupkielbasa
1 teaspoonoil
0.25 cuponion
0.5 cuppeppers


Step 1
Dice the onion, peppers, and kielbasa
Step 2
Fry the onion in oil for a couple minutes then add the peppers
Step 3
When the peppers/onion look well fried, add the kielbasa
Step 4
Crack the eggs, beat them, and pour on top
Step 5
When the egg is firm on the bottom and there's just a bit of liquid left on top, attempt to flip the egg. (This is usually the trickiest part!)
Step 6
Put the cheese slices on one half of the egg
Step 7
Let the bottom cook a couple minutes longer, then fold the egg in half over the cheese, and let the cheese melt before serving.


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