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Keylime Cheesecake

Category: Amy

A deliciously sour cheesecake!

Servings: 10
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1 tablespooncornstarch
3 eggs
1.5 cupgraham cracker crumbs
0.66666 cupkeylime juice
24 ouncelight cream cheese softened
1 tablespoonlime zest
3 tablespoonoil
1 cupwhite sugar
3 teaspoonyogurt


Step 1
Combine the graham cracker crumbs with the oil and yogurt and press into the bottom and sides of an 9-inch round pie pan.
Step 2
Beat with an electric mixer, the cream cheese, sugar, lime zest, and cornstarch until smooth. Beat in eggs one at a time. Add key lime juice with mixer on low. Pour mixture into the crust.
Step 3
Place in the oven at 350 degrees F for 55 to 65 minutes. Place a shallow pan with some hot water on the lower rack while baking to prevent the cake from cracking. Once the cake is cooked through, turn the oven off and leave the cake to cool in the oven with the door slightly open for 30 min.
Step 4
Place in the fridge to cool overnight.


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