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100% Whole wheat bread

Category: psspete > Desserts > Cookies

An excellent whole wheat bread that is nice and fluffy. You can make it in many different ways to get different flavours from it.

Servings: 2 loafs
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Recipe copied from Amy - click to view original
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Units: Metric | US | Original
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0.33333 cuphoney
0.125 cupoil
1.5 teaspoonsalt
2 cupwarm water
6 cupwhole wheat flour
1.5 tablespoonyeast
0.125 cupyogurt


Step 1
In a plastic or glass bowl, mix the yeast with water, 2 cups whole wheat flour, and honey. Let it sit for 15-30 min until it has doubled in size. (Picture shows after rising)
Step 2
Add to the mixture the oil, yogurt, salt, and 3-4 cups of whole wheat flour. Knead for 15-20 min by hand on a floured surface. You will know when the dough is ready when you poke it and it bounces back.
Step 3
Place the ball of dough in an oiled bowl, cover and let rise until double (30 min). (Pictures shows after rising)
Step 4
Punch down and shape in pans. Let it rise until it has doubled again. (20-30 min). You can optionally add some flour to the top of the bread. Bake at 350 degrees F for 30 min.


Make sure not to use any metal in this process. It can kill the yeast and the bread will not rise. The more flour you add when kneeding the dough, the more dense your bread will be. If you leave it slightly sticky it will make a light fluffy bread.


Cheese bread - Add variation to grocery list

This bread is very low in fat, one of the best ways to fix that is to add cheese.


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8 slicescheddar cheese


We have tried shredding the cheese and mixing it into the dough, but it doesn't change the flavour much. The best way to add cheese flavour to the bread is to cut thin slices of cheese and place them ontop of the bread before putting the bread in the oven. The cheese gets nicely browned and very flavourful.

Cinnamon bread - Add variation to grocery list

Cinnamon toast bread makes a great breakfast or snack.


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4 tablespoonbrown sugar
2 tablespooncinnamon


While shaping the bread to place into the bread pan, roll the dough into a flat rectangle. Sprinkle with cinnamon and brown sugar (you can vary the amounts). Roll the dough into a loaf and place in the bread pan.


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