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Apple Butternut Squash Soup

Category: Daryl > soup

A thick soup that's great in the fall time. It has a strong squash base with a hint of sweet apple.

Servings: 5
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1 apple
1 cupbarley flakes
1 largebutternut squash
4 largecarrots
4 stalkscelery
1 14 oz. cancream of celery soup
0.75 cupdiced peppers (frozen ok)
0.5 teaspoonoil
1 red onion
2 sweet potatos
2 14 oz. canwater


Step 1
Dice the red onion and fry in a large soup pot with the oil until brown.
Step 2
Chop celery, carrots, squash, and sweet potatos into 1 cm cubes. Add to the pot along with the can of soup and water. Bring to boil. Cover, and let simmer. Mix every 5-10 minutes.
Step 3
After about 30-45 minutes, the squash will begin to disappear into the liquid. When this happens, add the barley flakes, diced peppers, and diced apple.
Step 4
Let simmer for another 15-20 minutes, or until the barley is cooked and the squash is completely dissolved.


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