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Baingan Bharta

Category: Amy > Dinner > Indian

Baingan Bharta is an Indian style eggplant dish. This variety is more red with tomatoes than others I have tried

Servings: 4
Preparation Time: 20 mins
Cooking Time: 20-30 mins
Author Rating: 5/10
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1 teaspooncoriander powder
1 teaspooncumin powder
1 teaspooncumin seeds (whole)
4 tablespoondiced ginger
1 14 oz. candiced tomatoes
2 poundeggplant (about 2 large)
1 tablespoongaram masala
1 tablespoongarlic (diced)
2 onions (diced)
2 spicy green chilis


Step 1
Poke some holes in the eggplant with a fork, then roast it whole until it is soft and cooked through. This takes about 20-30 minutes at 475F. When it's done let it cool for a few minutes then cut/mash it up with a fork.
Step 2
Fry the cumin seeds, diced onions, garlic, and ginger for a few minutes
Step 3
Add the tomatoes, all the spices, and the pre-cooked eggplant. Everything should be in the pan at this point. Cook for another few minutes so all the flavors get blended.


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