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Beet and Cabbage Salad

Category: Amy > Appetizer

This salad is super healthy and actually tastes good. It can be an appetizer salad or a light meal.

Servings: 9
Preparation Time: 20
Cooking Time: 20
Author Rating: 6/10
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4 smallbeets
2 teaspoondijon mustard
1 teaspoonground cumin
1 teaspoonhoney
0.5 lemon
2 tablespoonolive oil
1 pear
0.5 largered cabbage
0.33333 cupwalnut pieces


Step 1
Peel and trim the beets. Boil for about 20 minutes until fully cooked. Set aside until cooled completely.
Step 2
Remove the outer leafs of the cabbage and rinse. Wash the pear and remove the pit. Place the cabbage, beets, and pear through a food processor on julienne mode.
Step 3
In a small bowl, squeeze the lemon half. Whisk in the mustard, oil, honey, and ground cumin.
Step 4
Mix the dressing and the sliced veggies together in a bowl. Sprinkle with the nuts and serve cold.


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