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Best Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

Category: psspete > Desserts > Muffins

These cookies are the best chocolate chip cookies I've had. They are soft and chewy. I use them as a base for any other cookie recipe I create.

Servings: 2 dozen small cookies
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Recipe copied from Amy - click to view original
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Units: Metric | US | Original
Convert: Double | Half | Original
0.5 teaspoonbaking powder
0.5 cupbrown sugar
0.5 cupchocolate chips
1 egg
0.25 cupoil
1 pinchsalt
1 teaspoonvanilla
1 cupwhite flour
0.5 cupwhite sugar
0.5 cupwhole wheat flour
0.25 cupyogurt


Step 1
Mix dry ingredients in a large bowl.
Step 2
Mix the wet ingredients in a small bowl. Combine with the dry ingredients in the large bowl.
Step 3
Place small spoonfulls of the batter on a cookie sheet. Bake for 13 min at 375 degrees F for chewy cookies. You can bake them for up to 15 mins for a more crispy texture.


The whole wheat flour is really just there to make them a little healthier. I find that with the 1/4 cup of w.w. flour you don't taste the difference.


Smarties Chocolate Chip Cookies - Add variation to grocery list

You can add smarties to these cookies to make them more colourful and fun.


Units: Metric | US | Original
Convert: Double | Half | Original


1 boxsmarties


Add a couple of smarties to each cookie.


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