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Catalina Chicken and Vegetables Stirfry

Category: Amy > Dinner

A nice variation from the typical chicken stirfry. The sauce has a bit of a sweet and sour flavour.

Servings: 2 adults
Preparation Time: 15 min
Cooking Time: 40 min
Author Rating: 7/10
User Rating: 2.3/10 (based on 7 votes)
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Units: Metric | US | Original
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0.75 cupcatalina salad dressing
5 stalkscelery
1.125 cupdry brown rice
1 teaspoonoil
0.75 cuporange juice
5 mediumpotatoes
300 gramskinless boneless chicken breast


Step 1
Start cooking the rice. Can be done easily with a rice cooker.
Step 2
Chop chicken into 1 cm cube pieces. Fry chicken with some oil in a frying pan until brown. Set aside.
Step 3
Cut and slice the potatoes and cook in the frying pan with the remaining oil. Cook until they are cooked and start to turn brown.
Step 4
Slice the celery and add to the frying pan until the celery is cooked.
Step 5
Add the chicken to the frying pan. Add the cooked rice to the frying pan.
Step 6
Mix the catalina salad dressing with the orange juice, and then pour into the frying pan. Mix everything together.


Homemade Catalina Sauce - Add variation to grocery list

If you don't have Catalina sauce you can make your own


Units: Metric | US | Original
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0 0.75 cupcrushed tomatoes


3 tablespoonsugar
1 tablespoonwhite vinegar


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