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Chana Masala

Category: Amy > Dinner > Indian

Chana Masala is a typical Indian dish made with chickpeas in a flavorful tomato sauce. This isn't the best I've had, but it's pretty good.

Servings: 5
Preparation Time: 10 mins
Cooking Time: 15 mins
Author Rating: 5/10
User Rating: 1.0/10 (based on 1 vote)
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2 14 oz. cancooked chickpeas
1 28 oz. candiced tomatoes
1 teaspoongaram masala
1 clovegarlic (diced)
2 teaspoonginger (grated or finely diced)
0.5 teaspoonground cayenne pepper
1 tablespoonground coriander
2 teaspoonground cumin
2 onions (diced)
2 teaspoonpaprika
0.25 teaspoonsalt
1 spicy green chili (diced)
0.25 cupwater


Step 1
Fry the onion, garlic, chili pepper and ginger in some oil.
Step 2
Add the rest of the ingredients (all the spices, chickpeas, water, and tomatoes). Simmer for about 10 minutes until everything is thoroughly cooked.


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