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Cherry Pie

Category: psspete > Dinners

If you have pitted cherries lying around, a cherry pie is easy to make and quite tasty!

Servings: 8
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6 cuppitted sour cherries
0.66666 cupsugar
1 uncooked pie crust


Step 1
Place the pie crust in a pie pan. Poke holes in the pie crust with a fork. Put the pitted cherries in the pie crust, and cover with the sugar. If you are using frozen cherries, make sure you drain the cherries first.
Step 2
Optionally put pie straps or a pie crust on top of the cherries. To create straps. Cut strips of rolled out pie dough. Place the vertical straps half way across the pie, then fold back half of them and place the horizontal straps, alternating the strips that you fold back. Repeat for the remaining vertical straps.
Step 3
Bake at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes, or until the crust starts to turn golden brown


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