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Chicken, Veggies, and Pasta in Cream Sauce

Category: Amy > Dinner > Pasta

A nice creamy pasta that's not too difficult to make.

Servings: 6 adults
Preparation Time: 20
Cooking Time: 50
Author Rating: 7/10
User Rating: 1.0/10 (based on 9 votes)
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1 tablespoonbasil (leaves or dried)
1 tablespoondiced garlic
8 cupmilk
4 mushrooms
1 tablespoonoil
1 onion
1 tablespoonparmesan cheese
1 skinless boneless chicken breast
1 pounduncooked pasta (corkscrew / penne / bowtie)
5 cupvegetables (fresh or frozen) (brocolli, cauliflower, carrots)


Step 1
Cook chicken in a pan with oil, then put it aside. If you're using raw chicken, just throw it in the milk to cook with everything else (step 3)
Step 2
Add the garlic, diced onion, and oil. Fry for a few minutes.
Step 3
Put soup in a large frying pan with water, basil, and vegetables. Bring to a boil, then add the pasta. Let boil on medium. Heat until the pasta is cooked and most of the sauce is evaporated (stir frequently).
Step 4
Add cooked chicken, stir for 2 more minutes. Serve with parmesan cheese.


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