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Classic Layer Cake

Category: awillmanshaun > Desserts > Cupcakes

This classic cake is what you would typically get from a cake mix, but this is how you make it from scratch. This cake is great for birthdays or other special occassions such as Valentine's Day.

Servings: 8-10
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Recipe copied from Amy - click to view original
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8 tablespoon(1 stick) butter
2 teaspoonbaking powder
4 largeeggs
0.5 cupmilk
4 tablespoonoil
0.25 teaspoonsalt
1.5 cupsugar
2 teaspoonvanilla extract
1 cupwhite flour
0.75 cupwhole wheat flour
4 tablespoonyogurt


Step 1
Beat the eggs, milk, and vanilla with a fork in a small bowl. Separate out 1 cup of the mixture.
Step 2
In a mixer, combine the flour, sugar, baking bowder, and salt. Mix in the mixer until even. With the mixer on low, mix in the butter, oil, and yogurt until blended. Add the 1 cup of egg mixture and mix on low until even. Increase the speed to medium-high and beat until light and fluffy. Add the remaining egg mixture with the mixer on medium-high until thoroughly combined.
Step 3
Place the batter evenly in two oiled cake pans. Bake at 350 degrees F for 20-25 minutes or until the tops are slightly brown and the inside is cooked.
Step 4
Let the cakes cool. Then layer one on top of the other with your favorite icing.


This recipe was modified from the original to contain part whole wheat flour. I find the cake has a slightly grainier texture with the whole wheat flour, but it is barely noticable. The cake tastes just as great with the whole wheat flour, and is a better source of whole grains.


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