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Concentrated Ginger Drink

Category: Amy > Beverages

Wow! This beverage provides an incredibly potent blast of ginger. If you can handle it, it's great on its own. Otherwise, it's a great addition to fruit juices, or vodka.

Servings: 20
Preparation Time: 5 mins
Cooking Time: 5 mins
Author Rating: 8/10
User Rating: 1.0/10 (based on 1 vote)
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0.25 teaspooncayenne pepper
0.25 cuplemon juice
2 cuporange juice
0.25 teaspoonoregano
100 grampeeled ginger (weighed after peeling)


Put everything into a super strong blender (vitamix) and blend until all the fibrous pieces are fully blended; approx 2 mins. I recommend stopping the blending halfway through and pushing down any fibrous bits sticking to the sides of the blender.


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