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Cream of Potato & Leek Soup

Category: Amy > Dinner > Soup

This is a delicious creamy soup! It can be made with brocolli or cauliflower instead of potatoes too.

Servings: 6 although it can be made for more or less
Preparation Time: 20 min
Cooking Time: up to 1 hour
Author Rating: 10/10
User Rating: 1.0/10 (based on 3 votes)
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1 12 oz. can2% carnation evaporated milk
1 tablespoonbutter
900 millilitrechicken broth
2 clovesgarlic, crushed
1 cupgrated chedder cheese
2 leeks
1 cupmilk
1 teaspoonpepper
7 poundpotatoes
0.5 teaspoonthyme


Step 1
Peel and quarter potatoes.
Step 2
Remove the top green parts of the leeks, and wash the white parts thoroughly. Slice into thin slices.
Step 3
Melt butter in a large soup pot. Add leeks and garlic. Fry for about 5 minutes.
Step 4
Add as many potatoes as quantity of soup desired. We use about 7 pounds of potatoes for 6 servings. Add 1 cup milk and enough chicken soup to cover the potatoes. Add the the thyme and pepper.
Step 5
Bring to a boil and reduce heat. Cook covered 40 min until potatoes are very tender.
Step 6
Take the soup off the burner and let cool for a bit. Puree soup with a hand held mixer. Watch out for air bubbles.
Step 7
Add the can of carnation and grated cheese. If it's too thick, add more milk.


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