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Easy Chocolate Cheesecake

Category: aurbretanaseymo > Desserts > Cupcakes
Servings: 8
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2 packages (4 oz each)Baker's German Sweet Chocolate - divided
2 packages (8 oz each)Cream Cheese - cubed
1 Crumb Crust
2 Eggs
0.33 cupHeavy Cream
0.66 cupKaro (light or dark) Syrup
1.5 teaspoonVanilla


Step 1
Melt 1 1/2 packages (6 oz) chocolate. Keep warm.
Step 2
Blend eggs, corn syrup, cream and vanilla in blender or food processor until smooth. Gradually add cream cheese cubes with blender running until smooth. Blend in chocolate.
Step 3
Pour mixture into crust and bake in 325* oven for 45 minutes or until set.
Step 4
Remove from oven and cool completely on rack. Cover and chill.
Step 5
Melt remaining chocolate to drizzle over top of cake before serving.


You may use a store bought crumb crust or make your own. To make your own, combine 1 3/4 cups chocolate cookie or graham cracker crumbs, 2 Tbs. sugar and 1/3 melted butter or margarine in a 9 inch pie plate or 9 x 3 springform pan. Press evenly on bottom and 1 1/4 inches up side of pan or pie plate.


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