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Fresh Tomato Sauce Pasta

Category: aurbretanaseymo > Desserts > Cookies

The fresh tomato sauce for pasta makes an excellent summery dish.

Servings: 4
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2 tablespoonbalsamic vinegar
1 tablespoonbutter
4 cupdiced tomatoes (about 7 plumb tomatoes)
0.5 cupfresh basil, chopped
3 clovesgarlic
4 sprinkleparmesan cheese
450 gramwhole wheat pasta


Step 1
Cook the pasta in boiling water.
Step 2
In a large frying pan, melt butter until it foams. Add the chopped or crushed garlic and cook for 2 min until brown.
Step 3
Stir in tomatoes, bring to a boil. Reduce heat, and simmer for 5 min. If there is a lot of liquid you don't need to cover it.
Step 4
Remove from heat, stir in basil and vinegar. Add the drained pasta and mix it all together. Serve with Parmesan cheese sprinkled on top.


This can be made very quickly if you buy diced tomatoes in a can.


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