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Fried Egg in Bread or Eggs in a Basket

Category: Amy > Breakfast

A fun way to eat your fried eggs with toast.

Servings: 1
Preparation Time: 1 min
Cooking Time: 5 min
Author Rating: 5/10
User Rating: 1.0/10 (based on 2 votes)
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1 slicebread
1 teaspoonbutter
1 egg


Step 1
Tear out a hole in the slice of bread that is slightly bigger than the size of an egg yolk.
Step 2
Melt the butter in the frying pan. Then place the piece of bread in the frying pan. Crack the egg into the hole in the bread. Lift the slice of bread from the edges a little until the egg falls in and some of the egg white goes under the bread.
Step 3
Half way through cooking flip the slice of bread with the partly cooked egg. Complete cooking until whites are cooked, and longer if you like your yellow more solid.


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