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Grilled Flank Steak with Chimichurri

Category: ratch3t > Dinners
Servings: 2
Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 10 minutes
Author Rating: 1/10
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0.5 teaspoonCoarsely ground Black Pepper
0.5 teaspoonDried Red-Pepper Flakes
1 12 ounceFlank, Skirt, or Sirloin Steak
0.5 cupFlat-leaf Parsly, finely chopped
3 clovesGarlic, minced
0.5 cupOlive Oil
3 tablespoonRed-wine vinegar
0.5 teaspoonSalt
1 bunchScallions
2 tablespoonWater


Step 1
To make the chimichurri sauce, mix the vinegar, water, garlic, salt, pepper flakes, and black pepper. Whisk in the oil. When everything's blended, whisk in the parsley.
Step 2
Preheat a grill or grill pan on high. Season the steak with salt and pepper and place it on the hot grill. For medium rare, cook it for 3 to 4 minutes on each side, or until a thermometer inserted into the thickest part reads 140 F. Trim the roots from the scallions and add the entire bunch to the grill just after you've flipped the steak. Cook the scallions until they're lightly charred, about 4 to 5 minutes.
Step 3
Drizzle the steak with the chimichurri, and serve it with the grilled scallions.


Eat with a scoop of pinto beans or black beans and hot corn tortillas.


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