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Jamaican Style Chicken

Category: aurbretanaseymo > Desserts > Cookies

This sure is a spicy chicken! The sauce is incredibly flavorful and has a nice citrus flavor that goes with the spice.

Servings: 8
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1.5 teaspoonBlack Pepper
1.5 teaspoonCayenne Pepper
4 Chicken Breasts
0.75 teaspoonCinnamon
1 cupDiced Onion
1 tablespoonGarlic Powder
3 Green Onions
1 tablespoonGround Allspice
1.5 teaspoonGround Sage
1 Habernero Pepper
1.5 tablespoonLemon Juice (or lime juice)
0.75 teaspoonNutmeg
0.25 cupOlive Oil
0.5 cupOrange Juice
0.25 cupSoy Sauce
1 tablespoonSugar
1 tablespoonThyme
0.75 cupWhite Vinegar


Step 1
Remove the fat from the chicken and place it in a baking dish
Step 2
Combine all the dry spices and whisk them together. Combine all the wet ingredients separately. Whisk together with the dry ingredients, and pour on top of the chicken
Step 3
Add the diced onion and green onion
Step 4
Let the chicken marinate in the fridge for an hour
Step 5
Cook on 350 for 30-40 minutes, until chicken is cooked


You don't have to let the chicken marinate for the full hour - 20 minutes was also fine.


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