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Low-Fat Hot Chocolate

Category: Amy > Beverages

Hot chocolate from a mix can be quite high in fat, but making it from scratch is easy and delicious!

Servings: 8 ounces
Preparation Time: 0
Cooking Time: 5-10 min
Author Rating: 7/10
User Rating: No user votes submitted
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Units: Metric | US | Original
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1 tablespooncocoa powder
8 ounceskim milk
1.5 tablespoonsugar


Stir the cocoa powder and sugar into the milk. Heat on the stove for 5-10 minutes until hot but not boiling.


Peppermint Hot Chocolate - Add variation to grocery list

Adding peppermint can be a real treat!


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1 toothpickpeppermint oil


Place a toothpick in the peppermint oil then use the toothpick to stir your hot chocolate. This is enough to flavour the whole drink!


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