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Savory Bread Pudding

Category: HordeMomy > Brekky

Basically a breakfast casserole, with bread, meat, cheese, eggs, all in one. Make the night before, refridgerate, pop in the oven or roaster oven the next morning. I serve it with some yogurt dolloped on the top, a bit of maple syrup, some fruit on the side. A fast and filling, low effort, hot brekky.

Servings: Makes 12 average sized portions/24 kid sized portions
Preparation Time: 15min.
Cooking Time: 45min.- 1 hr.
Author Rating: 10/10
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7 eggs
1 loaffrench bread
1 poundground sausage
2 cupmilk
1 onion
2 cupshredded cheese


Step 1
Slice the french bread loaf into about 1.5 in. thick slices. Layer them all in the bottom of a sprayed 9x13 in. oven proof pan. Pack them in tightly; the entire bottom of the pan should be well covered.
Step 2
The sausage should be well browned, either now or like me do this ahead of time in large quantities and freeze in meal sized portions. In that case make sure it is thawed first; then layer it over the bread. If you are using onion, dice and add it now. I have the onion already added in the make ahead browned sausage.
Step 3
Toss the eggs and milk into your mixer, mix well. Sprinkle one cup of the cheese over the sausage. Pour the milk/egg mix over the whole thing. Sprinkle the rest of the cheese on top, cover, and store in the fridge until you are ready to bake it in the morning. I let mine sit overnight, you can also eat this at any time of day, just be sure to let it sit for at least four hours (in the fridge of course) before you bake it.
Step 4
Take out of the fridge and let it sit for 10-15 min. while you preheat your oven/roaster oven to 350. Then bake for 45min-one hour. Take off the lid/tin foil about halfway through. Let sit five min. before cutting and serving with yogurt and a bit of fruit.


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