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Shepherd's Pie

Category: psspete > Desserts > Cakes

A quick, easily assembled yet very flavorful dish. Excellent comfort food. Makes use of convenience items, yet is nutritious.

Servings: 4-6
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Recipe copied from Amy - click to view original
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1 kilogramextra lean ground beef
2 cupfrozen mixed vegetables
1 tablespoongarlic
1 tablespoonKetchup or Worcestshire sauce
6 large potatoes
1 onion
1 Tomato soup / Cream of Tomato Soup


Step 1
Fry the ground beef with the diced onion and garlic until well cooked. Ideally you can do this in an oven-safe pan (like a Le Creuset) and then do it all in one dish.
Step 2
While beef is frying, boil potatoes.
Step 3
Preheat oven to 350F.
Step 4
Add frozen vegetables and soup and Ketchup (or Worcestershire sauce) to beef. Spoon into prepared casserole dish. Layer potatoes on top. Sprinkle with paprika (if desired) for color. This is optional.
Step 5
Bake for 30-40 mins til hot and bubbling. Enjoy!


The tomato soup gives a really good flavour to the beef.


Our version - Add variation to grocery list

This is our variation of the recipe that uses ingredients we typically have at home.


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7 mediumpotatoes
2 clovescrushed garlic
0.5 cupmilk
1 teaspoonbutter


Boil the potatos and mash them with the butter, garlic and milk. Use this instead of the dried potato flakes if you don't have them at home.


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