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Slow Cooker Sandwhich Beef

Category: Amy > Dinner

Makes a hearty sandwich that you can prepare the night before and is ready to eat when you come home for dinner.

Servings: 8 sandwhiches
Preparation Time: 15 min
Cooking Time: 7-9 hours
Author Rating: 8/10
User Rating: 1.0/10 (based on 7 votes)
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1 cupbbq sauce
1 tablespooncornstarch
1 cupdiced onion
2 poundeye of round roast beef
8 sandwhich buns


Step 1
Trim fat off beef. Cut into cubes 3 cm square. Place 1 cup bbq sauce in slow cooker with 1 cup of diced onion. Add beef.
Step 2
Cook on low for 7-9 hours.
Step 3
Mix 1 tablespoon of cornstarch with 1 tablespoon water. Add to slow cooker. Let cook for 5 more minutes to thicken the sauce. Place a scoop full on a sandwich bun to serve.


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