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Soft Gingerbread Cookies

Category: psspete > Desserts > Muffins

These are great gingerbread cookies. They are soft and chewy and great for cutting into different shapes decorating.

Servings: 2 dozen large cookies
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0.25 teaspoonbaking powder
0.5 teaspoonbaking soda
0.5 teaspoonblack pepper
0.5 cupbrown sugar
0.125 cupbutter
1 largeegg
3 cupflour
2 teaspoonground cinnamon
0.75 teaspoonground cloves
2 teaspoonground ginger
0.5 cuphoney
0.125 cupoil
0.75 teaspoonsalt
0.25 cupyogurt


Step 1
In a large bowl sift flour, baking soda, and baking powder.
Step 2
In a measuring cup, soften the butter and mix together with the oil and yogurt until smooth.
Step 3
In a mixer, cream the oil mixture with the sugar until fluffy. Mix in spices, then eggs, then honey. Add in the flour mixture, combining on a low speed.
Step 4
Chill the dough for 1 hour.
Step 5
On a floured surface, roll out the dough 1/8 inch thick. Cut using cookie cutters, place on cookie sheets, and refridgerate for 15 min. Pre-heat oven to 350 F. Bake until slighty brown (8-10min). Cool on wire racks, then decorate using your favorite icing and toppings.


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