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Spritz Cookies

Category: Amy > Dessert > Cookies

These are a christmas staple. They require a cookie press, and have a buttery marzipan shortbread flavor.

Servings: 120
Preparation Time: 1 hour
Cooking Time: 15 mins
Author Rating: 8/10
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2 teaspoonalmond extract
1 poundbutter (all 4 sticks)
2 eggs
1 teaspoonsalt
1 1/4 cupsugar
2 teaspoonvanilla extract
4 1/2 cupwhite flour


Step 1
Put the butter and sugar together in a stand mixer. Mix for about 2-3 mins until it's smooth. Then add in the eggs, vanilla & almond extract, and mix for another minute or two until it's smooth. Then add the salt and flour, and mix until everything has a smooth dough-like consistency.
Step 2
You can separate the dough into different piles if you want to make different colors. Mix in the coloring to each pile, then put it in the cookie press, choose your stamp, and squeeze onto a cookie sheet. These cookies don't expand. Bake at 350 for about 10-14 mins until they're just starting to turn brown on the bottom


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