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Stuffed Pasta Shells

Category: aurbretanaseymo > Desserts > Cookies

There is lots and lots of cheese with these stuffed pasta shells!

Servings: 35-40 shells (4 adults)
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284 grambag of baby spinach
250 grambox of pasta shells
300 grammozzarella cheese
4 tablespoonparmesan cheese
0.5 litretomato sauce
400 gramtub of ricotta cheese


Step 1
Boil the pasta shells until cooked. While they're boiling, wash the baby spinach, and chop into 1cm square pieces. Grate the mozzarella cheese.
Step 2
Mix one third (100g) of the grated mozzarella cheese, the tub of ricotta cheese, and the spianch together in a bowl
Step 3
Cover the bottom of a glass baking dish with tomato sauce. Stuff the cheese mixture into the pasta shells, and place the into the baking dish. Be sure to take care filling the shells with the cheese mixture, so there is no cheese left over at the end. (If there is, just find some shells that aren't completely filled, and put a bit more cheese in them)
Step 4
Cover the shells in sauce
Step 5
Add the rest (200g) of the grated mozzarella on top, and bake at 350F for 15 minutes, or until the cheese on top starts to turn a light golden color


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