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Sweet Teriyaki Sauce

Category: Amy > Dinner

This is a really nice sweet and thick sauce that is great on a stir fry. It's quick and easy to make.

Servings: 6
Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 5 minutes
Author Rating: 8/10
User Rating: 1.0/10 (based on 1 vote)
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4 tablespoonbrown sugar
2 tablespooncorn starch
0.25 teaspoondiced garlic
0.5 teaspoondiced ginger
1.5 teaspoonhoney
0.25 cupsoy sauce
0.25 cupwater


Step 1
Combine the soy sauce, honey, sugar, garlic, and ginger in a sauce pan. Begin heating on a low heat over the stove.
Step 2
Whisk together the corn starch and water.
Step 3
As the sauce begins to boil, whisk in the corn starch mixture, and mix continuously until the sauce thickens. Then turn off the heat and add a little more water slowly until the sauce reaches a nice consistency.


You can use less sugar if you want a sauce that's more salty and less sweet.


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