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Whole Wheat and Oatmeal Pancakes

Category: edobiesrodr > Desserts > Muffins

A great sunday morning breakfast. Goes well with chocolate chips and nuts (see variations). Serves well with maple syrup.

Servings: 3 adults
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Recipe copied from Amy - click to view original
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Units: Metric | US | Original
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0.5 teaspoonbaking powder
0.25 teaspoonbaking soda
2 bananas
1 egg
2 tablespoonground flax seeds
1 teaspoonmaple syrup
1 cupmilk
0.25 cupquick rolled oatmeal
1 pinchsalt
0.5 cupwhite flour
0.5 cupwhole wheat flour
0.125 cupyogurt


Step 1
Mash the bananas. Mix all the ingredients together. I find it easiest to start with the milk, add the flour, other ingredients, followed by the mashed bananas and oatmeal at the end.
Step 2
Pour small to medium pancake sizes on a pan or griddle. The picture shows the variations as well. When adding chocolate chips or nuts, push down the chips/nuts into the batter so they don't burn when you flip the pancake.
Step 3
Flip the pancakes after about 5 min. They should look slightly shaded.
Step 4
Serve with maple syrup.


You can throw in other fruits too. Blueberries or raspberries are some of our favorites.


Chocolate Chip Pancakes - Add variation to grocery list

For a slightly sweeter pancake. These can be eaten with or without maple syrup.


Units: Metric | US | Original
Convert: Double | Half | Original


0.25 cupchocolate chips


Add about 10 chocolate chips per pancake depending on the size and your preference. Use a fork to push down the chips before flipping the pancake.

Nutty Pancakes - Add variation to grocery list

This nutty version works really well with chopped pecans or walnuts. They taste delicious with maple syrup poured on top.


Units: Metric | US | Original
Convert: Double | Half | Original


0.25 cupchopped pecans or walnuts


Add about 7 pieces of nuts to each pancake depending on the size of the pieces and pancakes and your preference. Use a fork to push the nut pieces down before flipping the pancakes.


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