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Banana Cream Pie

Category: Amy > Dessert > Pies

This is a delicious summery pie, but really good any time of the year you have some browning bananas.

Servings: 9 inch pie plate
Preparation Time: 10 min
Cooking Time: 8 min
Author Rating: 10/10
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3 brown spotted bananas
0.16666 cupbutter
1.33333 cupgraham cracker crumbs
102 graminstant jello vanilla pudding mix
250 gramlight cream cheese
2 cupmilk
0.25 cupsugar
2 tablespoonsugar
1 cupwhipping cream
0.16666 cupyogurt


Step 1
Combine the graham cracker crumbs, 1/4 cup sugar, butter and yogurt. Press evenly over a 9-inch glass pie plate.
Step 2
Bake at 375 degrees F for 8 minutes until tops are slightly brown.
Step 3
Slice bananas into 1 1/2 cm slices to cover the bottom of the crust.
Step 4
Soften the cream cheese and mix in milk (1 tbsp at a time). Blend well. Whisk in pudding mix. Pour over bananas which are sitting on the pie crust.
Step 5
Chill in the fridge. Then whip the whipping cream with the 2 tbsp of sugar and cover the pie with the whipped cream.


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