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Breaded Chicken

Category: Amy > Dinner

This breaded chicken is easy to make and has a hint of spice to it. You can cook it with or without oil depending on what you are serving it with.

Servings: 4
Preparation Time: 10 min
Cooking Time: 15-20 min
Author Rating: 8/10
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Units: Metric | US | Original
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0.33333 cupbread crumbs
0.125 teaspooncayenne pepper
2 sliceschicken fillet
1 egg
2.5 tablespoonflour
0.5 teaspoonoregeno
0.25 teaspoonpepper
0.25 teaspoonsalt


Step 1
Prepare 3 small bowls. In one bowl place the flour. In the second bowl mix the egg. In the third bowl combine the bread crumbs and spices.
Step 2
Cut the chicken into a few smaller pieces. Coat each piece in the flour, then the egg, and then the bread crumbs.
Step 3
Place the chicken in a pan and bake at 400F for 15-20 minutes turning over half way.


I didn't use any oil and the chicken turned out delicious, but a little bit dry. It was perfect for using in a saucy dish. If you are eating it on it's own, a bit of liquid or oil in the pan or frying it might be better.


Pesto Breaded Chicken - Add variation to grocery list


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2 tablespoonpesto


add the pesto to the beaten egg


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