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Garlic and Cheese Mashed Potatoes

Category: Amy > Dinner > Side Dish

Mashed potatoes are great on their own, but nothing makes them better than garlic and cheese!

Servings: 4
Preparation Time: 10 mins.
Cooking Time: 60 mins.
Author Rating: 9/10
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1 teaspoonbutter
1 bulbgarlic
0.25 cupmilk
5 slicesold cheddar cheese
4 largepotatoes


Step 1
Chop off the top of the bulb of garlic, and rub oil on it. Bake until soft and brown (approximately 1 hour)
Step 2
Clean the potatoes, and boil in water until soft (about 20-30 minutes)
Step 3
Drain the potatoes, and pour in milk. Squeeze in the garlic cloves, add the cheese, and msah


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