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Pumpkin PieCategory: Amy > Dessert > Pies This is a great pumpkin pie! It is a delicious dessert to have in the fall. It could be made from fresh pumpkin, but canned is much easier. Servings: Filling for 2 piesPreparation Time: 15 min. Cooking Time: 45-50 min. Author Rating: 8/10 User Rating: 1.0/10 (based on 6 votes) You must be logged in to vote. Ingredients:Recipe StatisticsThis recipe has been viewed 127135 times14 users have copied this recipe to their recipe box view
Directions:Step 1 Scald the 1 1/4 cups of milk. Put it in the microwave on high until it gets a skin on top (but before it boils).
Step 2 Beat the eggs and sugar
Step 3 Add the spices, then mix.
Step 4 Add the pumpkin, and mix.
Step 5 Put in milk at the last minute, and divide in half (since this makes the filling for 2 pies)
Step 6 Pour into unbaked pie shell (see the "Meals" section for a recipe for a pie crust). Make sure to poke the pie crust with a fork before pouring in the mixture.
Step 7 Put in the oven at 450 degrees for 10 minutes, then 325 degrees for 35-40 minutes
Meals:This recipe goes well with others!
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